Categories fae fae fae

A Taste of Mortality Final in MOVIE GIFS

So, I couldn’t stop my hand. This is a joke of course, don’t take is too seriously. My novel is not as light as this.

  1. Lorian goes bonkers when the god enters his soul.

2. Nymre screws him over.

3. Leira tries to save him.


And it looks hopeless. I promise it will be better than these gifs show. Tbh. It will be much MUCH darker.

Categories fae fae fae


So, I really liked the Rhys voice you showed me, Juli. So I searched for something deep and ASMR like too. I love this specific guy. The questions are off the table, too. Typical fae way of interviewing.

Consider the following: Lemons. Did you bring your snake? The fae randomness kills me.

Categories fae fae fae


… they don’t have a feel of time lapse. For Lorian Alina Markon, her deceased mother and Mina, are the same age. He is so oblivious.

He has no sense of passing time other than counted in hundreds of years.

Go figure him.

Like… he is aware that Mina is 15. But doesn’t embrace how this differes from 30. Until they reach 100, they are all the same to him. Boring until they scream.

Some fae like to play with kids, but Lorian is not one of them. He just doesn’t care how old you are, as long as you do what he wishes.

Categories fae fae fae

Facts and ramblings #3

Fae are restricted by magic laws. Lorian can’t force the apple into Mina’s mouth directly, she must take it willingly, or the spell won’t work. It’s ancient magic, god’s magic. The enchated apple trees are older than fae themselves. The spell that curses you to be unable to leave fey land is as old as first fae and gods. Even Lorian can’t break the laws, even if he plans exactly that. The fey would literally rule over death and life if laws didn’t bind them. They did, in the even of time, but jealous gods disliked it. So they gave them laws and limitations. The Devourer just created a beautiful race of vile creatures on his own image. He didn’t expect them to be that clever though.

Categories fae fae fae

Ramblings #3

There are many “stuff” I hid in the newest chapter, which will be clear only as the story progresses 😀 I am evil, I know.

Look into my eyes and see the writer’s void.