Categories wip

ATOM: Path Through Oblivion – I

Tiyan slept this night. With deep slumber, his nightmares made way to the horror of life, retreating, like rats leaving the sinking ship.

When he awakened, the morning still hid before the sun, trees bathed in faint darkness. The village slept, their dreams infested with something he had to face in a wake.

He still was only partially willing to go. He was not a hero, he never was. For goddess’ mercy, even hunting an anglor was an effort for him, not to mention other, more dangerous animals. But deep down he knew that if he didn’t come, Mina would lose her soul – forever, without a chance of return, in any form, in any shape. And the fairies will come for him, either way. He doesn’t have the luxury in escaping into lack of courage. Into something that would turn his own heart against him.

Mina needed him. She surely trusted him and his absence would shatter her and that he would never forgive himself. He stood in the point of no turning back. And he couldn’t even look behind.

Everytime he looked back, he was seeing horrors.

The village was peaceful, when he left the house. He didn’t have many belongings, not ones that he would need on the path to the realm of the fey. He equipped himself with bronze weapons, and hid an iron dagger in boot, just in case. He will not appear there, without even the slightest and even most laughable advantage. He took the sack and packed it with warm clothes. He was aware that he can’t sleep in the snow. The inns weren’t working anymore, yet even abandoned inn offered a moderately warm place to spend the night, and maybe even things left by the leaving or dead people.

But warm clothes always were needed, the winter was harsh, enchanted, pure and dangerous, just like the fae’s hearts.

He took the herbs as well. Tinder too. Maybe there will be dry hay in the abandoned building or a cave which could be filled with branches, perfect as kindling. Of water he didn’t need to worry, the humans learned to drink it from winter itself, even if there was a slight worry that spellbound snow could affect their organisms.

Tiyan didn’t want to go, but he was already passing the threshold – and the house seemed empty and dead. His old life, as hard as it was, was over. Now he had to fight, to bite any future from the throat of Ain’asel.

No one ever made a map to the fey realm. But he knew in which direction to go, and he hoped the promised Will-o’-the-Wisps will be present to show him a more detailed path.

Korr walked slowly to him. Tiyan would want to have him by his side. But he knew that fae would use him against him, harm him, or just kill.

“Go. Find Noyd. I can’t take you with me. I don’t want you to suffer.

The dog’s brown eyes regarded him, not blaming, but confused and lost. Tiyan never told him to go away.

Now, he has only seen mist, normal, mundane and not enchanted mist, which was making his departure from Inamora much less heartbreaking.

The border of the forest and the village was marked by a huge dolmen, which stood near the meek stream with a small wooden bridge flipped from side to side. Like through fog, he remembered how Gravir Markon was building it, so the kids could toss the bread to fishes. It was life before darkness, before fae, when he was still too young. Before his own baptism of blood, during the last and only battle between humans and Unseelie, in which he lost innocence and hope that he is good. That he is good person at all.

Do not think about it. Do not turn back, there are monsters.

He felt as the new resignation crept in, fueled by memories. Do not think. The past is long gone. He stood in place, fixed the light bag on his shoulders and aimed for the bridge, to enter the woods. The main road started to lead in more or less the right direction only if he passed the forest. Then, he will be able to look for the dancing fires.

“Tiyan… Tiyan!”



Please, no.

“Tiyan…” he was sure that Noyd observed him and his house to make sure he wouldn’t do anything stupid. But he saw a bucket with snow and he understood she was gathering it to boil it at home. Korr was tangling between her legs, unsure of to who to go.


“You go hunting?”

“More or less.”

She gazed behind him and seeing the packed bag, she narrowed brows.

“You leave” this was more a statement than a question, disappointment painted on her face.

“I must. I should have been left before my family died.”

“It won’t change anything” her locks slipped from the warm hat and now fell on her forehead, a fox child, ginger like autumn. “You always leave when you should stay. I hoped now…”

“They have Mina” he cut her and her cat-like, green eyes opened wider, a glint of understanding creeping into her features.

“How do you know?”

“One of them visited me at night. She wanted me to go and rescue her.”

Noyd shook her head, with disbelief on his stupidity.

“You know it’s a trap?” another rhetorical question.

“Of course it’s a trap,” he laughed bitterly. “But do I have a choice?”

Noyd regarded him for a moment, like engraving his features in her mind, like remembering how he looks, or just trying to gaze into his soul, to see how much of it is just desperation and how much bravery.

“No. You don’t” she eventually said.

Tiyan didn’t want look in her eyes, but when he gazed into them, he saw something new in them. Worry. Fear. And all mixed with pride and relief.

“Do not let them kill you.”

“I will try to not let them kill us both.”

“When you return…”

“If I return…”

She looked again at him, intensely. And walked over to him, embraced his neck with her arms.

“If you return. Promise me.”

She slowly got closer, almost frightened. Doubtful. Like not knowing if it’s the good time, if it’s right. But kissed him passionately, a last kiss before the war.

“I promise,” he muttered in her mouth. Inhaling her scent of mint and old herbs. Of the fireplace. And safety.

I promise. I will try. Though I don’t know. So much, I don’t know.

His eyes filled with unwanted tears, her chest pressed tightly to his own. Her hands in his hair. And her tongue in his mouth. And a promise that bound them again.

Categories sitely


I am coming here to show my inspiration :3

My main at most important inspo for this novel are old faerytales, very often cruel, very often violent. Dark!Lorian character is slightly inspired by Sulepis from Shadowmarch by my favorite author, Tad Williams.

I want to thank so much to two people who’s work will always be important inspiration and huge kick on.

Darkenaz – your writing gives me courage and hope. It’s perfect, in it’s dark approach, with deep characters, with realistic touch to urban fantasy characters. It thrives and blooms in my heart. Thank you, for all you do.

Juli Telperion – you were always so supportive and your writing of the fey world gets better and better, your characters constantly gain more depth and grow. Thank you so much for being here with me. Your story is stunning.

You both write novels, and both of them are perfect. Never change!

Categories wip

Interlude III – Dal’coler

Lorian felt it with his whole self. Like it washes over him, reaching into his veins, tendons and flesh.

The falling lights that right now were brushing the sky with fire. The stars that swallowed darkness into their open mouths. The moon that beamed over Dal’coler, a stellar hunter pursuing the sun’s light.

The night was feeding him slowly with its powers, when he sent the tendrils of shadows between the trees and among nocturnal voids.

It was pleasant and invigorating, a taste of his land, which he savored like the finest wine. A taste of all who lived here, and unbound nature that thrived with snow and ice.

Something slipped through the door to the balcony. Someone. Someone with wings and aura of light, which started to insistently push at his darker one.

His eyes closed, his fingers clenched on the edge of the intricate balustrade cracked by the vines.


He felt her chin on his shoulder. Her hands embraced him  in the waist and she pressed into his form like a wild cat. Ah, how he loved that. To feel her so close. To be able to enter her soul and see what she wants. Delicious feeling that was as overwhelming as the night itself.

With his eyes still closed, he smiled, a pleased grin. He allowed her hands to wander over his body.

“My beautiful raven.”

“I liked how you dealt with the girl today” she purred, a low, deep, seductive voice. “The boy needs to pass Avras, though. Shadowlands. And Lesser Realm. It will be a hard way to adulthood for him.”

“With his power, even as hidden as it is, he can’t pass the barrier between realms, forced. I had to take all… precautions.”

“Laws exist.  We are bound with them. How easily it would be to shatter them though, if we killed the—” she reached with her hand to his hair and took the lock from his forehead with a tender gesture. He loved that. Her light aura, ravenous and beautiful, was filling him in, like a drug.

“Laws of magic can’t be broken by any whim. We are created from dusk and twilight not from stone and fire… and even if we feel invincible, there are many things that can stop us. And… high spells have their price.”

“I would rather see us unrestrained” Nymre shook her head.

“Restrains can be changed into flags of freedom, my hungry raven” he chuckled, bathing in her soft yet insistent touch.

She knew what he planned, and her hopes, her hunger, was reaching so deep. Lorian promised her the taste of stars and she latched to it, pulling by every thread which it sprouted.

They won’t drink from them. They won’t destroy almost painful beauty they radiate with. They won’t eat them, feasting on their souls like humans feast on rotting meat.

They deserve to be dark suns over both lands and beyond. The thought that it could end, was like a hook in open skin, painful and agonizing. Nymre disliked being powerless. It was too… final.

The dark slowly rushed through him, a mix of pleasure and pain, which told him he has enough. The tendrils of shadows retracted and his body swallowed them all. His eyes suddenly became dim, like gloomy, foggy night.

Nymre got so close again, letting him grab her by her waist, easily allowing him to press to her, just as she did moments ago. It was too tempting to not yearn for it. They both feel as their blood becomes hotter. As their minds start to swirl around fulfillment – like his shadows, cutting their minds with sharp thoughts – like her wings.

“The girl will be an amusing break from usual boredom” smiled Nymre, a dark glint in her big, blue eyes, almost hidden under the shadows created by her mask. “I always enjoy what sits in your head. Your imagination is… inspiring.”

“You are bored?” he responded with a grin and ran his finger through her thick white hair. She sighed feeling as his touch sends sparks of blacklight into her skin.

“Perhaps” a dark mischief in her words.

“Perhaps…” he inhaled her elusive scent, of lilies and water. “… I should give you special treatment. Something you truly need.”

She breathed fast, feeling as his hand went lower.

“And what do I truly need…?” her voice reaching the depth of lost caverns and frozen passages under the mountains.

His shadows crept in and when his hand laid on her chest, they seemed to sink into her skin, making her open her eyes wider, her breath even faster.


He was ruling over darkness. And she really deserved it now.

Categories world


[ to be redacted / expanded ]


Avras. The land drowned in eternal winter, struggling under a curse. Once a great kingdom, maybe not big, but thriving, which could be proud of its intellectual heritage, now is pushed into oblivion by the Unseelie folk.



Tiyan’s village. As most of the villages, it’s buried under snow, opposing winter. Its inhabitants live mostly from the hunt.

When you pass the thick frozen woods, you will find yourself in a settlement almost swallowed by the forest, breathing under a thick cocoon of snow. People here are hard and remorseful, stripping death from meat and surviving despite being under a curse. The houses are made of wood and stone, not small, like one could expect – people spend in them most of their time, so they must be at least comfortable. People in Inamora work hard and have hard skin, yet they fear one thing – the fae.


The home village of Ona. Once a last place of real resistance, now almost burned to stake.

Ona came from nowhere. But this nowhere was a village of Feirne, now cinders and ashes. Feirne was surrounded with a wall made of iron, and its people were hunting on lesser folk, very often succeeding. Their traps and science were reminiscent of old days, where knowledge thrived in Avras.


The city that was taken into possession by the Praetorian Inquisition. People there are living much better life than villages of the woods. As long as they… repent enough.

Inquisition pretends that they don’t support the fey, that they fully took their role as protectors of Avras. But silently, they worship fey gods and give him sacrifices of “unbelievers’ ‘. Arelt is only moderately rich and the biggest city of the realm… but there lurk other dangers.


Ain’asel. Fey land. Thriving in winter, a dark place, where wind can eat the body to the bones and black magic sinks deep into the soil.



Capital city of the fae. It’s stark and beautiful, in an ominous, almost primal way. Ruled by Lorian Ain’Dal. Life in Dal’coler is bathed in old blood and glamour.

Look at the branches biting through the stone walls, at stained glass windows hiding painted scenes of long forgotten atrocities. Dal’coler, a place of twisted darkness, rises like a sore tooth in the woods, among the Lons mountains, the second biggest mountains of Ain’asel. Its magic radiates on all lands, and it’s a place of gathering of all fey races.


Place inhabited by shadow faeries, vassals of High Fae. The Shadowlands lay mostly in mountains, which separate Avras from Ain’asel.

Shadowlands are surrounded by eternal mist, hence the name. It’s both magic-caused and environmental. The vast black mountain lakes are a place of birth of all kinds of dangerous beasts. Shadow fairies are mildest of the fey kind, yet one never should underestimate them, they hold the key to the death kingdom. Among mountains, you can also find settlements of Bean Sidhes, warriors used by High Fae for bloody work.


Land of Changelings. The night weavers, who keep goda asleep. Bound to their woven web, can’t leave their realm.

Changelings have most difficult task in fae realms. Fey gods feed on fae souls – hence the night weavers must keep them in perpetual dream state, so they never eliminate their darkest creations from the face of both lands. Natsel’sorl is woody and rainy, hiding forbidden mysteries of deep caverns, as well as fae portals, with which High Fae travel to various places on Ain’asel.

The Lesser Realm

Part of fae land, inhabited by the lesser fey. It bites through Shadowlands, like it guarded Dal’coler,so no one dared to go there without permission. Lesser fairies are most wild of the fae, and weakest magic-wise.

The Lesser Realm – wild, sick and untamed. Every guest/ trespasser that is not High Fae (who can control their minds) is subjected to vicious torment and becomes a plaything of the fey. They are closest to god’s soul, which forms a state of constant hunger in them. They are though used as messengers by the Unseelie Court.

Categories trivia


And actually, funny trivia.

Lorian kept to his word and gave Suriel many eyes, for her to see better.

She is more pretty with them.

Categories wip

Interlude II – Dal’coler

Mina’s mind whirled and she felt like drowning in flowers. Thick, scentsy and mesmerizing. She knew she was led somewhere, she saw wings, beautiful, wide, feathered. They seemed to close over her, giving her safety. A voice was touching her sore soul, a voice that pulled her to sleep. But she wasn’t sleeping. She knew she put one step after the second step and her clothes tangled, and her hair windswept. It all didn’t matter though. The scent of roses was too prominent, a poppy spell, making her less and less conscious.

Her skin brushed against something. Someone’s hands were touching her, hands pale as snow. The eyes gleamed from the corners, curious eyes of curious creatures. The hazy light was entering through crevices in her eyelids, fighting with her pupils, caressing her irises.

And she heard the laughter. It held both beauty and madness. It was more beautiful than anything, but also dark.


Wake up. They lead you somewhere. Somewhere you don’t want to be in.

Her steps became fumbling, she stopped feeling her skin but the song still persisted – yet her mind tried to escape, to show her that something is wrong, that all of this… is more sick than meets the eyes.

“Do you want to dance?”

“Do you want to go with us into the grove?”

She wanted to say yes, but something brought snow boughs to her mind. And blood on the branches.

“Do you want to sink with us into the sunset?”

“Drink the night?”

“Kiss the midnight moon?”



I don’t want to go.

She almost fell on her knees, stumbling over her own feet. And the song cut, like sliced with a knife. Her senses started to be less numbed, her eyes – to see better.

She was in a large chamber, made of both stone and branches, tangled together in an almost artistic way. Trees seemed to grow straight from the walls, the marble floor – to breathe under her feet. The huge stained glass windows were made as walls, and depicted scenes which she couldn’t see well.

The chamber was filled. Curious eyes still gazed at her, close, closer, a hand touched her wrist and she turned her head instinctively, to see a woman with thick black and curly hair, clothed in black gossamer dress. Her feet were bare, like she didn’t care for wearing shoes, a nuisance good for more bothered person.

Her taloned hand caught her by her wrist and the woman started to look at her with almost obsessive intensity.

“Such a beautiful human” she smiled eventually. “Such delicate skin. I would envy it if it all wasn’t destined to wither.”

Mina tried to snatch her hand from the woman’s grasp, but her hold was strong and if Mina wanted to still try, she could lose a hand.

The woman’s eyes were alluring, big, green, but devoid of any human emotion. Mina felt bare under this gaze.

She pulled Mina harder, like she wanted to force her to go forth with her. Eyes everywhere. Beautiful, scary eyes.


A voice cut the air, and the woman in black – Areltha – looked at its owner, with a wide smile. Someone was coming their way and suddenly, Mina felt like awe and fear started to attack her from every direction, making her nauseous.

She bent in half and suddenly, a hand from behind pushed her hard, and Mina landed on her knees, the hard stone against her tired bones. She still tried to not throw up.

“This is how we treat our guests?” she heard a voice again, man’s voice, seductive and deep, like a murmur of the storm in the distance. “Maybe we should have them more often… to learn how to be good hosts.”

Areltha laughed lightly, and it sounded like pearls. She didn’t see any pearls in her life, but that’s how it would sound.

She lifted her gaze… to meet the completely black eyes of the man who stood above her, his hair moving, touched by elusive shadows. His aura was forcing itself through her skin – again, she didn’t know that, she just felt that this description is right.

“Where… am I?” she dared to ask, almost sure that the man- whoever he was – would just laugh at her question. But his features didn’t show any mock or amusement.

“I have a better question for you, little one” he leaned over her and looked deeply into her eyes. His own black holes seemed to suck the air around her. “Does your brother love you?”

That took her off guard. Her mind still was dizzy, still not contacting fully.


“You think so, my child? You think that your brother would come for you, even with storms and sun and death against him?”

Mina was sure that he would. It was Tiyan, after all. Her big brother. Her protector.

“Yes” she was really feeling more nauseous and the eyes around her started to resemble the cats’.

The man looked at her with intense gaze, strange shadows creeping from behind him, craving to reach her, to delve in her.

“Then, you are allowed to stay alive” he said, evidently pleased. He smiled and Mina for a moment thought that she sees sharp fangs, teeth made od night and shadows, many of them, deadly and ready to sink in her flesh.

Areltha touched her cheek. The person who brought her pulled her up.

And the song again filled the air, throwing her into an unconscious jig of mirages and colors.




Made of pure danger.

But that, she didn’t see.

Categories wip

ATOM: Do Not Turn Back – IV

We are the earth, we are the black soil. We come back to roots, to fertilize the ground, to drink eternally from the bottomless streams that hide deep under the rocks. We are the earth and black soil. Aiming to the heart of the goddess. Feeding her children with ashes.

Tiyan didn’t expect to say these words so early in his life. He almost hoped he would never have to, even if immortality was nothing to long for. His parents, clawed from his life so violently, will be returning, to be reborn. But not during his life. He hoped though they will, in better times and he will be able to meet them. Even without memories, the bond never fades.

The evening swallowed the shadows, cast by the huge bonfire. His mother and father were laying on the improvised pedestal, hungry flames licking their wounded bodies. When the fire burns out, he won’t scatter the ashes on the wind, though. He won’t feed the snow, he won’t feed the cursed magic. He will bury them, like nomads from the south do. Give them straight to the soil.

Tears glistened in his eyes. The fire burned, not quenched by the cold wind, not silence by the snow. A part of human right to live, biting through the curse, opposing the spell, speaking through death. Death if life and life is death. You always come back, for better and for worse.

Only he couldn’t reconcile with that.

Coming back to the current world was a cruel joke from the goddess.

He wiped his tears, pretending cinders fell into his eyes. He knew he had all right to cry. But he felt so guilty that he was sure that he should be stripped from it. His face buried into scarfs, red from icy cold and slowly awakening anger.


Noyd. She put her slender fingers on his arm. He didn’t have the strength to just tell her, that now, it may be even more difficult, that it will be more difficult.  But something in him longed for her touch, for her understanding and comforting presence.

“I am so sorry,” she said, in a calm, soothing voice. His chest heaved and a short moan escaped his throat, misplaced, weak. “If there is anything I can do…”

His mind rattled in his skull, like dices. His feelings burning in him with grief. Noyd saw that, observant and caring and taking him in her arms, she just allowed him to support his chin on her arm, allowing him to bury into her embrace. Like a wounded animal, seeking warmth.

“If you need me…”

“I need you” he uttered into her neck, his eyes again filling with unwanted tears. Her hand landed on his head and caressed his hair. She knew that now, no words are needed.


Tiyan returned home, his fingers trembling, when he searched for the keys. Mina still wasn’t found, even if he and the boldest villagers sought her for almost three days. She vanished, like a mist after a dry day. Not knowing what happened to her was even worse than knowing she was dead.

The house looked and felt empty. He almost wondered if not to invite Noyd tonight, at least to keep him company, but he thought that it would be unfair towards her. Even if he really needed company. Even if he still liked her more than he wanted to admit.

He ate the rest of the anglor he hunted the other day and thinking of the next hunt, which will be even more difficult, he just drowned in the armchair, which still smelled of Mina and Gravir. It smelled of home. This building was not a home anymore, though. It was empty. Empty like a his heart.

He drifted into dreamless sleep. Restless sleep which sent him far from tears and far from pain. Far from grief and from death.

He had to sleep longer than he expected, because the moon was high. Something, some unsure feeling woke him up. The moon beamed through the window. The house was silent as ever, bathed in cocoon made of solitude.

And something was not right.

He decided to go and check the locks. Even if it was the enemy, locks would stop him from going out willingly – if he threw away the key.

But when he tried to lift himself, he realized he couldn’t. His legs were bound to the chair. He swallowed with arising panic. When he dared to look down, he didn’t see ropes or dreaded vines.

The spell.

He knew that tossing in place won’t do. It will only tighten and he can even lose legs. But the vision of being tied down and exposed was making him nauseous.

“I know you are here” he decided to speak. Everything is better than the vicious unknown, prolonging the time of not knowing what games are played and what chance he still has.

For a while, nothing happened. Like it knew of his fear and fed on it. Pulling the cords of his growing panic.

A nd a tiny shape stepped from the table. It was hiding in the darkness but now he could see it in all its small glory.

It was a woman, with the same glittering wings, with the same ethereal face brushing on perfection. The same he saw in his dream. But this time, her gossamer dress was not present. She was naked, in the cold and snow and wind.

Before she could react, she moved, fast, very fast and within a second, she was standing on his chest, her big blue eyes were sparkling… but they were empty. Completely emotionless, which was a stark contrast with her wide smile.

“He learned his place” she grinned wider and stepping closer, she touched his chin in an almost imperceptible  way.

“My place was with my family” anger came a bit on the surface, but only slightly.

“He learned that his place is with blood and spells,” she continued. “With us.”

“What you want from me” he didn’t like that the fae again tries to play with him, giving away only riddled words.

“We want him to go and save his sister, of course!” giggled the fey, her eyes still dead like stones.

Something turned violently in Tiyan’s stomach.

“You have her,” not a question, a statement of a fact.

“Not us. The Shadow has her. Is it tempting to save her? Is it delicious to think of freeing her?”

Tiyan’s blood slowly boiled. Slowly, swallowing him with hundreds of hungry maws.

“Where” he almost hissed.

“In our palace, in our realm. He must come. But he must come by free will. He must want to enter.”

Something alit in him, something not unlike a nerve wrenching hope.

“And if I won’t come?”

“The Shadow will swallow her soul. Day by day, and again, until she is dry like a dead branch” she smiled with the most charming smile.

“Where” his teeth clenched, his throat too.

“Will-o’-the-Wisps will guide him.”

He felt as if his feet again could move and wanted to grab the fae and do something, maybe even break its tiny awfully beautiful neck. But she already disappeared in the darkness. He realized the window in the kitchen was open, snow falling inside. Quickly he closed it, and moved to the common room, to burn in the fireplace again.

They had her.

They had her.

And he of all, had to go into the maw of the lion. Maw, filled with sharp teeth and cruel spells.

He was not ready.

But he had no choice.

And he was afraid, like never in his life.

Categories sitely


I still need to write the last part of chapter II. I just took a break to indulge myself.

Should be around few days, I recently food poisoned myself and still not feeling hundred percent well. Or it was stomach flu? Only gods know…