Categories characters

Leira – Character Info

Leira was 19 when she entered the fairy ring and was swallowed by Ain’asel.

She was the only daughter of the leader of one of northern Avras villages. Her mother left her father for another man and Leira never could get through the wall her father made between himself and the others. She felt alone very often, but when she found her love, Mira, she was meeting with him often in the woods. He was older than her, and was a hunter, living more in the forest than in the village. Leira very often waited for him in a place which they both knew. Mira loved the woods and Leira learned to love them too.

One time Mira didn’t appear. Leira waited long. Later it turned out that wandering robbers attacked Mira and beat him, taking furs he stripped off the animals and thinking he was dead from their blows, left him on the path.

They would find Leira too, if she didn’t hide. They made a camp just near her hiding place, boasting how they killed the man. Leira listened to it and boiled inside from anger and fear.

Leira never deciphered how it happened. If she fell asleep, or not, if was dizzied by a spell or just eaten by the tree in which roots she hid. But Ain’asel knows what prey is most vulnerable and how to use it to feed its lords’ will.

She woke up under a sky that didn’t belong to her land. Everywhere there was only snow, and cold stars and loneliness. She was obviously scared, very, but Leira was always strong. She started to search for any hiding.

And that’s how she was found by the fae.

Most specifically, Lorian himself.

He was on the hunt with a few other lords, and Nymre. They hunted on aragners, the animals taken down only for sport by the fey, as they are most dangerous and almost impossible to kill by any other than a High Fae with strong magic.

Lorian was amused, so much, when Leira stumbled under his feet. It was always thrilling to find new slaves, who accidentally were swallowed by the portal.

Nymre proposed that maybe they will use her as bait for the aragner, not liking the captive’s beauty, but Lorian just took Leira for himself.

First few months in the Dal’coler were very hard for Leira. Lorian assigned her to really serve him, not as a toy, but watching him do atrocities were at first too much for her. Lorian was curious how much she could take, he was so so curious of her. It was a game he played with her, but when life in Dal’coler was hard and merciless, she just wanted to survive even harder.

Lorian thought that she would look better with tail and horns and she passed that too, indifferent at them, every day a fight.

She was always strong. She never was backing off. So Lorian slowly, very slowly started to respect her. At first only by not overburdening her too much. Later, giving her servant status. And then, he just gave her fae life span. In Dal’coler, there is a stream, beaming from under the rotten tree. If a human drinks from it, they will be eternal.

After time, something started to change in her. She stopped being moved by the darkness of Dal’coler. She assimilated, grew into the flesh of the fae realm. And started to care more for her current life, than her past one. More for her own one, than other humans.

She became darker, and started to feel things she never would dare to even think of. She grew closer to Lorian, desiring him and hating him at the same time. She feels so many conflicted feeling towards him, hungry want, attraction, hatred, fear, attachment, all mixed in a dangerous brew.

She lived for thirty years in the palace of the fairies. Making many enemies, the most important of them being Nymre and Lord Alnam.

She became more fae than she would admit. Long-living, with otherworldly attributes, she stopped being a human and became a child of the fairy land. And there is something boiling between Lorian and her, something dangerous and hot as white flame.

Mira searched for her for so long. Never finding, never knowing what happened with her. And she… forgot about him, just as all she left behind.

Categories poetry

Music of the Night

[ dark fae love poetry ]

you threads are trembling
with music of the otherworld
played with eager fingers on your tendons
sending shivering notes inside your soul

your mind is swallowed
by the song of the deepest midnight
chanted by hungry lips
filling you up with delicious gleam

your heart beats frantically
with the sound of the pounding drums
pulsing in you flesh with heavy throbs

I heard you loved the music of the night
let it ring in your vertebrae
with shadows and thirsty gloom

Categories fae fae fae


I am sorry for anyone who did this art. But I found it on pinterest and immediately thought of Lorian’s night form. I need his night form drawn so badly.

Categories wip

ATOM: Reminder of Blood – VI

The Wisps danced in the air, their mouth sucking it like void… and they disappeared, leaving behind the afterglow of their blue flames – the glitter and gleam, which stayed in this reality, like a trace made by their ethereal bodies.

Tiyan knew that it’s the place. Dark night around them seemed to catch at their clothes with wind, which resumed to blow with renewed strength, the wail of the gusts piercing his ears with mourning dirge.

The wind knew.

This was the place, where two realities clashed, a door to the faerie realm. A hole in the world. A gate to horrors.

And he had to silence his fear, which wailed just like the wind, and pass it.

He remembered how for a moment, back then, in his house, he played with a thought to not go. To leave Mina and try to save himself. What chances did he have, after all? He will die with Mina. Mina is already lost.

But these were wrong thoughts, thoughts of a lost man, who replaced his heart with cowardice. He maybe was not a hero, but would never leave his sister for death.

He rather felt Ona, than saw her, how she put her hand on his arm and squeezed. Her presence, even if they knew each other so short, was already a poultice in a weeping wound. She taught him that even the weak can win. And that fear doesn’t define us.

Noyd passed his mind and he thought of the promise. When, if. While he promised her to return, he knew – and she knew as well – that it doesn’t depend on him. But if he returns, he will pay up for all mistakes. He will return her years which they lost. Love her as she deserves. And be a friend, he always was – but more.

“So here we are,” said Ona. That was enough. He didn’t expect her to go with him. She certainly had her own deals to settle. She never told him… but during her sleep, she was saying a name and he understood, she had a mission too. And as she didn’t try to force him to fulfill his promise to her, he won’t do that to her.

“I am afraid” admitted Tiyan and it was honest and natural.

Ona laughed bitterly.

“We all are.”

Tiyan approached the place where Wisps disappeared. His hand stretched. Cautiously, he moved closer and his hand passed the soft barrier.  A tiny blue energy sparks enveloped his hand and started to crawl up. Tiyan quickly removed hand and the sparks dispersed, sinking into the ground, where they fell.

“You must know something” Ona’s voice was doubtful. Hollow and mute.

He turned to her, his gaze inquisitive. The barrier behind him started to be more visible, like a glass, like a face of the water.

“You… you burn, Tiyan” he clearly could see how hard it is for her. But not for him… not as hard as he would think, when he started his journey. In his dreams, he burned many times. So many times, during last nights. He didn’t feel the flames, but he was setting the world on fire, fearfully watching as he scorched it to a cinder. “When you sleep. The fae…”

He swallowed a hard bile. Perhaps Ona thought that he may stop his mission. He sensed her will to talk. Explain. Try to find common sense in it.

“They want something from me, aren’t they?”

Ona looked at him, with a well concealed shock on her painted face. Her eyes… They changed color again. Now they were blue and green at once. Strange.

Just like him.

“Yes, Tiyan. They want you. And when the fae want something, it’s never good.”

“Maybe I am not good, ” chuckled Tiyan darkly and a shiver went through his spine. How easily he accepts the reality in which a mortal enemy of humankind wants him – for whatever purpose. That he burns – really burns, not only in his dreams. A casual thought. An unimportant detail.

The barrier behind him started to move, releasing water-like tendrils in his direction.

“Now it’s too late to think if I am good or not ” he said, darkness creeping into his voice again. “But I am not a coward.”

“No” Ona looked at him, intensely. “No, you are not.”

He felt unreal. Unreal world to which he was going, wanted him, desired him, like a dark lover. And he was going to submit.

His hand met the tendrils. They slowly pulled him closer, hungry, so hungry. He felt as his breath stopped and his feet carried him closer. So close. He caught a sudden scent of pines, so real, like taken straight from his past, when everything was easier and sun didn’t shine on the frozen land.

He was already face to face with the glass-like structure of the now completely visible door to Ain’asel.

He didn’t turn to Ona. Ona didn’t expect that.

Do not turn back.

He was saying that to himself so often, that he believed that if he turns back, he will lose all strength and will run, run as fast as he can and hide under branches – like a coward.

Who he was not.

One step.

Two steps.

You can still turn back. You can still save yourself, like you have always did.


His face met the gate, his body sucked in, like a rock sinking into the dark lake. He disappeared, eaten by the maw of a different world.

Ona looked at the dispersing gate with hope and doubt. She looked long. Like she wanted to find an answer in the light afterglow it left – just like the Wisps.

Until reality didn’t force her to set a camp and think of her risky plan of freeing Isnan. She was only three days’ walk from Arelt.

Good luck Tiyan.

Do not let them use you.

Do not let them kill you.

We have all our dark scores to settle.

Categories trivia

Biology and facts

My crazy scientific and mythological ramblings. I can’t sleep. Mostly on childbirth. Enjoy [ and don’t mind me, it’s fun ]. This is also a bit… cruel.

  1. Fae don’t need a lot of food. When still young, they eat more, but the older they get, the slower metabolism they possess and like in case of Nymre’s an apple a week is enough. Lorian is another case, fed with magic, so he could not eat at all. Soon, his body will refuse most of the food, aside of core apples, which are also magical creations.
  2. Fae female can reproduce only through a short period of time. Magic each fae woman possess makes them almost infertile. Fey, celebrating the moon, are very influenced by it. When the moon is full magic sometimes dwindles in Ain’asel and the fae women can get pregnant if they want. Not everytime it works, it depends how strong magic a woman has. It actually works only on feminine organs. This happens very rarely, so…
  3. Fae men can fertilize human women. The woman slaves are very often used as mothers for their children. Sometimes, pure fey come from such union. Fae are not numerous and they like it that way, but sometimes fresh blood is needed. Some really want to be parents, too. They accept only pure fey children from human women.
  4. When fae society was still young, the fey were much weaker magically and could reproduce easier. Now, with each generation, the magical intensity grew in them. Causing the status quo.
  5. The fae don’t really worship gods. They couldn’t care less for creatures who technically want to eat them. They would worship Lorian, knowing that in fact, he eats them in reverse.
  6. Fae gods are creatures that overdosed magic, in the eve of time. They are omnipotent, because magic replaced their bodies, ascending them to godhood. Creator was a beast of primal night at the beginning. A creature led by instincts. But when he ascended, he gained consciousness and… hunger.
  7. Fae blood is blue, dark blue. It’s caused again by magic that runs through their bodies.
  8. Fae are a main source of food for gods. The gods sleep, but even in their sleep, they drink magic from fey. When they awake once a time, they are able to kill almost whole population of fae. Lorian stopped this process just before great awakening, caused by Devourer, the Creator. He weakens the gods so much, that they can’t awake.
  9. Nymre posseses very strong magic, she is one of the oldest and most powerful fey. She is not able to get pregnant. Only with the help of draining rite, but she doesn’t want children, so she won’t resign from magic even if only for a year.
  10. All fae has not balanced their equivalent of orbitofrontal cortex. They basically are all “psychopaths”, some more some less. Their brain, compared to human one, is all fucked up. They get serotonin stright from violence. For them, it’s healthy behavior. Fae who have balanced cortex, which is rare – end usually with heavy depression.
  11. Lorian is basically sex addicted. He craves a lot.
  12. Having lots of slaves or slaves in servant status, is an indication of position. So, Lorian has most. Mostly women (who would guess) but men too. Fae treat their possessions as a break from boredom unless they suprise them with something and get elavated to servant status. Leira is exception – Lorian truly likes her [ a lot ].
  13. In the past, humans were believing that being captured by faeries is like something coveted, because they can fulfill their wishes, share magic or become their [ tender ] lover. All who willingly searched for fairy rings, changed minds so quickly. Less fun more pain and humiliation.
  14. Most of the fae has light, breezy aura. Shadow aura is rare and is considered dangerous for owner. If fae is not learned to manage it, especially in their youth, it can devour the said fae with its intensity. When Lorian was very young, he had few rather disturbing accidents with untamed power.
Categories characters

Lord Alnam – Character Info

Thank you, Darkenaz, you inspire, I love our brainstorming 😀

It doesn’t show Lorian in best light :> He is consumed by own pain and wants his savees to feel at least partial amount of what he goes through for them. Plus – he is awful, too 😀

Lord Alnam will become one of the important characters in describing fae society and one important subplot.

Lord Alnam is a High Fae, a part of the court and hates Lorian with a passion.

He introduced his son, Corvel, to the court, when he was very young – usually fae don’t do that, but Corvel insisted and Alnam had one weak spot – him. The fey usually treat their offspring as prolongation of their heritage, a way to pass the blood further, but Alnam was really attached to Corvel.

But the boy was hot headed and the first day he joined Alnam in Dal’coler, leaving family property, he fell for  Nymre. Badly. It was both desire and something the young fey thought much deeper. He didn’t even know her, he just saw her and thought it’s love. Alnam didn’t know that. He thought Corvel has more brain in his head.

Corvel tried to be everywhere where he had chance to see Nymre. He followed each celebration and ball she was in. He talked with her only for short minutes, but was so eager with it, and Nymre found it amusing. Nymre liked the attention, even if just to later laugh with Lorian from the young fey’s attempts.

Until it caught attention of Lorian himself.

It was so easy to just extract the lustful imagery from Corvel’s mind. To see what he would love to do with her. And what he planned to share with her, if she allowed him even closer – the poor fool thought that amused Nymre is willing Nymre.

And it was enough to rub him wrong way.

When though Corvel liteally approached Nymre with hopeful delusions, it broke the dam. Corvel actually didn’t know Lorian well, and Alnam didn’t manage to speak some common sense into his mind, it was pretty obvious, that no one advances his mate. When he knew about it, it was too late.

Lorian just killed Corvel. Tormented by pain, he became darker and less forgiving.

Lord Alnam was done.

He started to hate Lorian with boiling strength. He had good reasons, in his opinion, Alnam knows nothing about Lorian’s struggles and he was good friend of his father, who was stoic and almost amiable king. Lorian is not only arrogant but also merciless. Despite the charm he put on many of the court, he still was darkest ruler in history of the fey.

And when Lorian decided to higher Leira’s position, he found a way, to avenge Corvel.

Alnam is a skinshifter, he can look as any fey or human. He took form of Lorian, during a festivity on Lorian’s ascention to throne anniversary… and luring her in, he tried to harm her. Literally, he tried to use her, destroying image of Lorian in her mind, if she had any.

He wanted to fuck her so badly, feeling dark desire for her, maybe even force her to carry his child. After Lorian killed his own heir.

But Lorian, to better protect Leira, made a magical thread between her and him. He knew perfectly well, when Leira is in danger and what danger.

It was first time a fae lord opposed him in such way. He filled Alnam with shadows for good few months, keeping him in costant pain, and then took his voice out, ordering him to whisper only.

He liked seeing him around later, feeling pain as he spoke. Better even than killing him. Better, because he knows what is in Alnam’s mind and he enjoys he hatred, his failed attempts.

Lord Alnam is a survivor of his own. He still seethes with hatred and he didn’t say his last word. His target is Leira still. And if gods will be gracious, also her lord. He doesn’t know what Lorian sacrificed to save his kind, so he thinks he is only a cruel ruler, who likes to cause pain, so much different than his father. Alnam is too important to kill and has too many supporters… and he knows that.

But Leira is in much better position now. Lorian grew more and more fond of her, she managed to enter his mind with not only lust. He really admire her strength and how she grew into the flesh of Dal’coler, how she adapted.

Alnam… will have a hard path, until he understands he has no chance.

Categories fae fae fae

Fey songs

Actually the tale of Reynardine,  I used in my story, if you remember. This is old fairy poetry, which tales a tale of a fox fairy who lures women to his castle. Reynardine is a name humans knew Lorian of, a legend, when Ain’asel was still shut and gates closed.