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I am coming here to show my inspiration :3

My main at most important inspo for this novel are old faerytales, very often cruel, very often violent. Dark!Lorian character is slightly inspired by Sulepis from Shadowmarch by my favorite author, Tad Williams.

I want to thank so much to two people who’s work will always be important inspiration and huge kick on.

Darkenaz – your writing gives me courage and hope. It’s perfect, in it’s dark approach, with deep characters, with realistic touch to urban fantasy characters. It thrives and blooms in my heart. Thank you, for all you do.

Juli Telperion – you were always so supportive and your writing of the fey world gets better and better, your characters constantly gain more depth and grow. Thank you so much for being here with me. Your story is stunning.

You both write novels, and both of them are perfect. Never change!

4 Comments on “Inspiration”

  1. Wow :D, thank you for mentioning me; it is a great honor. It means a lot to me that you love what I do so much and that I can motivate you. I think the biggest inspiration for me is that someone finds my writing worthy to get inspiration by it. Especially when it’s done by a writer who creates dark, creepy, but realistic stories with beautiful style and who I respect.

    So thank you, your words gave me wings ^^

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